May 2022
This project represents me as a beginner creator. It's my journey from getting a MIDI in 2018 up to May 2022. It's far from perfect, but that's kind of the point. I hope you can see the growth from here. My friend Jeff and Tim play some instruments on the project, we have more to come.
There are some samples on this project, and I didn't clear them :( But here's the thing, I do all of this because it's a fun hobby for me. If I ever make money off this I would like to give 100% of that back to the artists I sampled. Their work is what inspired me to create when I didn't know where to begin, it's the life of the song. So, thank you, and thank you again for inspiring me. I'll take the project down if there's an issue.
The drums are a little loud at some points, I did my best to mix it, however, some of those files are from 2018... the new stuff has been fun.

8.5 x 11 Print-out CD Sleeve